Horse Racing Is More Than Just A Sport

Gambling Feb 4, 2025

Horse racing is more than just a sport-it’s an art, steeped in time-honored customs and traditions that captivate audiences around the world. From the ceremonial pageantry of major races to the love and care of the horses, the sport has something for everyone. But behind the romanticized facade of horse races is a world of injuries, drug abuse, gruesome breakdowns and slaughter.

In the wild, horses love to run fast. But when they’re forced to race, they often suffer gruesome injuries, including broken bones and a potentially deadly condition called exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH). The injuries are caused by the constant stretching of muscles and ligaments as they sprint over dirt or turf tracks at high speeds. Pushed beyond their limits, many racehorses also need to be given cocktails of legal and illegal drugs to mask the pain and enhance performance. This can cause a dangerous condition called bleeders, when the drug causes the horse to bleed from its lungs.

This blood carries in oxygen to the muscles, which then causes them to burn more energy, making the horses even more tired. As the horses tire, they start to lose muscle mass and their ability to generate power decreases. They may also develop bone marrow damage, or have splints in their feet and legs. When a bleeder becomes so badly injured that it can’t be saved, it is often put down and sent to be used for breeding.

The equine industry is embracing a more responsible approach to the welfare of its horses and implementing new policies. From improved track conditions to enhanced veterinary care, the industry is doing what it can to ensure that horse races are run responsibly and the safety and well-being of its athletes remains paramount.

A wager made on the outcome of a race. Winning bettors receive all of the money wagered by all other bettors, less a percentage taken by the track (Take Out). Those who place the highest number of correct selections in a single pool are paid out first. If no one correctly selects the winner in a multi-leg pool, the remaining funds are distributed to those with the most correct selections (5 of 6 etc). This is known as a carryover and can create very large pools. This is particularly common with exotic wagers.

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