Day: March 2, 2024

How Domino Effects Can Keep the Reader Engaged

Dominoes are small, flat rectangular blocks that are used as gaming objects. They may be made of any rigid material and are sometimes known as bones, pieces, men, or cards. Dominoes are traditionally arranged in a layout to play a game of skill, chance, or strategy where the goal is to build up a chain that will eventually fall over and win the game. They are also commonly used as components in Rube Goldberg machines. Dominoes can be found in many types of games and have also been incorporated into art, music, and architecture.

One of the most well-known domino creations is the world record-setting set of 282 dominoes toppled in 2002 at Leeuwarden, Netherlands by a Finnish acrobat. Dominoes are also frequently used as part of larger artistic displays or in public demonstrations of mathematical principles, such as the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio. The word domino comes from the Latin dominium, meaning “favorable”, in reference to their tendency to form a chain when knocked over.

In literature, a domino effect refers to the way in which a scene or event influences the next. This is a common strategy for authors and is often referred to as a “domino plot”. In this article, we’ll look at how using domino effects in our stories can help keep the reader engaged.

When a domino is placed, its two matching ends must be touching so that the value shown on one end (called a pip) can be seen on the other. The number of pips on each end is called its rank, and a tile with more pips than another is called heavier.

Whether we’re playing a domino game or creating an artistic piece, each domino must be perfectly positioned if the cascade is to work. For example, in a story, a scene must advance the protagonist closer to or farther from their goal, while also feeling right and not being too long or too short. If a scene is too short, it might feel like a domino that falls without making any real impact; if the scene is too long, it might feel like a domino with no momentum at all.

To create her mind-blowing domino installations, Hevesh uses a version of the engineering-design process. She starts by considering the theme or purpose of the installation and brainstorming images or words she might want to use. She then sketches out her design on paper and makes test versions to ensure that the pieces will work together. Once she’s satisfied, she begins constructing her masterpiece.

Domino’s Pizza CEO Don Meij also takes a similar approach when it comes to leadership. His company’s core values include listening to their customers, and in one episode of the television show Undercover Boss he sent himself to several Domino’s locations to see how their employees were working and what improvements could be made. This led to a relaxed dress code and new leadership training programs among other changes. In addition to its strong customer support, Domino’s is also a leader in employee satisfaction.